24What To Expect From A Glacier National Park Photography Workshop
You’ve signed up and your bags are packed, so what exactly is in store when you arrive at your Glacier National Park workshop? I happen to have a summer photography tour in the park again in 2024. I was able to secure hard to come by lodging in St Mary.
We convene the evening before the first field session for a meet and greet. Please bring some examples of your previous photo work to share with the group. The meeting is a great way to get to know each other and go over the logistics of the next few days together.
My workshops always strive to photograph in the best light possible, so it is an early start to the day as we meet at dawn to carpool to the sunrise location. Sometimes, when the weather doesn’t cooperate we have a later startup time when conditions are more favorable. I always have a “Plan B” in my back pocket and we may end up shooting in the forest or closeup detail shots in rainy conditions, for example. After the morning field session we go have a group breakfast together. I have found this is a great bonding experience for the group as the banter is high after a fun morning out in such a stunning setting.
Mid-day is a great time to re-group, maybe a nap or work on your pictures from the earlier session. If you are with your spouse (or not) it can be a good time for some exercise in the form of a hike (or in my case, I bring along my road bicycle). Read, or do nothing at all, it’s your vacation!
We meet up again in the later afternoon for a review of images taken earlier in the day. It’s a good time to go over some post processing techniques. I can also arrange to spend some individual time with you to help with technique or computer issues.
We then go back out in the field for the evening session. Same as the morning in that I will try and select the best spots for us to get the best images possible. Most of the shooting is near the roadways with an occasional short hike thrown in (usually less than 2-3 miles roundtrip) it just depends on the ability level of the participants.

Barrel racing competition at North American Indian Days in Browning, Montana, USA
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