Autumn Colors in the UP of Michigan Photography Tour and Workshop
Dates: October 4-9, 2020
UP of Michigan Photography Tour and Workshop – Autumn Colors
October 4-9, 2020 SOLD OUT Contact Chuck to get on waiting list
$1600.00. Workshop price is for instruction and sunset cruise on Lake Superior only. Students are responsible for their own lodging, transportation and meals.
Check in Oct 4 & checkout Oct 6 Holiday Inn in Marquette, 906-225-1351
Check in Oct 6 & check out on the 9th
Holiday Inn Express in Munising, 906-387-4800
Fly into Green Bay, Wisconsin or Marquette, Michigan
Itinerary:Sunday, October 4th – 6pm at the Holiday Inn Express in Marquette, Michigan for a meet and greet. Please bring examples of your previous work to share with the group.
- Monday, October 5th- Explore near Marquette, small lakes, streams, Lake Superior
- Tuesday, October 6th- am Explore near Marquette, then Bond Falls, check out of Marquette Holiday Inn, check in Munising Holiday Inn
- Wednesday, October 7th morning – Explore near Munising, sunset cruise on Lake Superior
- Thursday, October 8th – Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
- Friday October 9- Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
Workshop concludes after morning field session.
We will meet in the vibrant college town of Marquette located on the shores of mighty Lake Superior for some of the best fall color anywhere in the country. The countryside surrounding town is full of charming country roads that lead to scenic lakes and streams. We will also make a side trip to the scenic Bond Falls, always a workshop favorite.
Then we will spend three days exploring around Pictured Rock National Lakeshore with its dramatic cliffs, sand dunes, beaches, waterfalls and lake reflections. We will be reserved for sunset cruise out on the lake (weather permitting) to get a unique perspective of the fascinating shoreline. The UP autumn colors are not only the best in the Midwest, but rival any location in the country in my opinion.
Equipment Suggestions:
A sturdy tripod is a necessity for good landscapes. Participants should have a working knowledge of their equipment (know which button does what!) before the workshop. I suggest a SLR camera with a wide-angle lens (17-35mm range), and a zoom or fixed lens, like a 70-200 or 300mm. We have also had some point and shoot shooters attend so don’t feel you have buy that latest and greatest. There’s a lot to learn just by seeing.
*My Preferred Payment 1) DOWNLOAD REGISTRATION & WAIVER FORM 2020 Workshop Register form(pdf)
Chuck Haney Photography
608 Pine Place
Whitefish, MT 59937
2) ONLINE REGISTRATION (Payment via Paypal) *PayPal Holdings, Inc. is an American company operating a worldwide online payments system that supports online money transfers and serves as an electronic alternative to traditional paper methods like checks and money orders.